
I am an assistant professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at UT Austin. My theoretical research group broadly focuses on understanding various soft and living matter systems over a wide range of length and time scales. Please see the Sahu Lab website for more info.

As a postdoc, I worked with Prof. Emre Aksay in the Physiology & Biophysics Department at Weill Cornell Medicine. We developed theories of electrically excitable biological membranes, with applications to neurons and the nervous system.

During my PhD, I worked with Prof. Kranthi Mandadapu to develop theories and numerical methods describing biological membranes. I collaborated with Dr. Joël Tchoufag, Yannick Omar, Alec Glisman, and Prof. Sho Takatori.

Before Berkeley, I majored in chemical engineering at Princeton University, where I worked with Prof. Howard Stone. For more information, please see my CV.

Select Publications

PhD Thesis

  1. Irreversible Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics of Biological Membranes

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    University of California at Berkeley, 2022